Elevate how you communicate

I came across this article a few months ago and keep meaning to share it 👋.

According to a Harvard Business Review article, here’s how great leaders communicate:

They use short words to talk about hard things

Your team is more likely to follow you if you use simple language. Don’t use complex language where simpler language will do.

They choose sticky metaphors

People will want to find some familiarity when you introduce a new or abstract idea - help them with this by providing a sticky metaphor.

They humanise data

Although not in this particular article, John Kotter talks about the need to connect people with an emotion when leading change. Helping to take data and turn that into a compelling, human, narrative can be really powerful.

They turn mission into mantra

We've all been there, we spend an age working on a mission, vision and values document and then once it's signed off - where does it go? Great leaders never let go of their mission and don't fear overcommunicating it.

Which of these have you observed in inspiring leaders you've worked with? What else would you add?


Managing… or leading change?