Recruit Your Perfect Culture Companion: A Science-Backed Approach to Hiring

Make sure your next hire takes your culture forward, not backwards

Elevate Your Recruitment with our Recruit for Culture Package

Investment: £1,850
Public & Charity Sector Rate: Add a 10% discount

Why Hogan? Why Now?

In today's complex business landscape, hiring the wrong person can cost more than just money—it can impact your team's morale and productivity. That's why we employ Hogan's scientifically-backed assessments—trusted globally and grounded in over 30 years of validated research.

Our Recruit for Culture package offers a nuanced perspective, from understanding a candidate's day-to-day behavioural tendencies to uncovering areas that might challenge them under stress, as well as getting to the heart of what truly motivates them. This comprehensive insight allows you to make an unbiased and informed decision, ensuring your next hire will be a valuable contributor to your organisation's culture.

📈 Fact: "89% of hiring failures are due to poor culture fit." — Forbes

Package Breakdown

  • 3 Candidate Insight Reports: Go beyond the CV and understand your candidate's motivations, strengths, and potential blind spots

  • 3 Personalised Debriefs: Individual sessions to unpack each candidate's Hogan assessment, clarify findings and discuss their perspectives

  • Executive Summary & Debrief: Simplify your decision-making process with a snapshot of each candidate's suitability and recommendations for maximising your recruitment decision

  • Custom Question Packs: Tailored interview questions designed to uncover each candidate's true potential

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