Change + self-doubt

Most of my work is with organisations experiencing change. 

Through this work, something I’ve become highly attuned to is the weight leaders are carrying when they’re trying to lead their teams through change...when they’re experiencing change themselves. 

This is particularly evident during periods of structural or organisational change like mergers and acquisitions: 

👉 You’re feeling overloaded. You’re trying to do the day job really well, as well as maintaining energy to support your team through a period of uncertainty 

👉 You’re feeling like an imposter. You’ve become hyper-aware of all the strengths you can see in the new people you’re working with; yet you can’t think of one thing you’re doing well at the moment 

👉 You’re feeling exposed. You might need to re-apply for your job soon, or even end up with a different job altogether. This is all playing out in a very public way and you don’t want to be seen as a failure

Sound familiar? I can tick off each of these statements when I recall times where I’ve experienced organisational change. 

My gift to you is focusing on how to ovecome self-doubt during periods of change. What stands out to you? Based on your experience, what can you recommend to others?


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